$5K in awards for interfaith ideas for social impact

innoFaith is excited to share that as part of Soularize 2021, we will be offering up to $5K in awards for start-up initiatives that engage people across lines of faith to address social challenges in their communities.

Soularize is a global learning party, a collaborative community built just for spiritual innovators like you. As faith communities around the world begin to envision a post-pandemic society, we need to engage, connect, and unleash collaboration and creativity. Our desire is to provide a space to interact, discover new and diverse voices, build relationships, and grow resources to help encourage and launch projects. Soularize is online now through October and in-person October 20-23 in Fullerton, CA. This year’s Soularize theme is Humane Spirituality.

innoFaith is partnering with Soularize on the start-up pitch gallery, where innovators have the opportunity to feature their ideas, seek feedback, engage allies. Three pitches will be chosen to present live at the event in October for additional exposure. All pitches are eligible for the innoFaith awards, as well as other awards, regardless of whether they are chosen to present in Fullerton.

Whether you’re just getting started or have been working for a while at your idea, we invite you to join the Soularize community. You can join with any idea or start-up that addresses the theme of Humane Spirituality. If your idea specifically engages people across different faiths to create change in your community, you will be eligible for the innoFaith awards.

innoFaith will give up to two awards of $2500 each to the most compelling interfaith social impact ideas. We will evaluate ideas and start-ups based on the following criteria:

  1. Interfaith - Does the initiative engage people across different faith traditions, either in the organizing team (e.g. faith communities coming together to address mental health in their community) and/or in the impact itself (e.g. a youth initiative that engages young people from across faith traditions to develop their leadership)?

  2. Innovation - How innovative is the idea? There are lots of ways to innovate! Is it a new take on an old problem? A different strategy? A different set of stakeholders collaborating? A new opportunity identified? Check out our resources on social innovation here.

  3. Impact - Does the idea have the potential to solve or mitigate a social problem, or to create new opportunities for social change? Even if small in scope, does it take a systemic view (i.e. tackles root causes, considers ripple impacts)?

Contact us at info@innofaith.org with any questions.

Soularize also has opportunities for art submissions and workshop ideas, so check it out even if you don’t have a start-up idea.

Register for Soularize here. A Network Pass to join the online Soularize community costs $19.95, but innoFaith is offering subsidized registrations for our network. Contact us at info@innofaith.org to let us know you want to join the party, and we’ll send you a code for free registration!